Educational Portfolio for Spencer Olmsted
Contact Information
Spencer Olmsted513 Central St NE
Olympia, WA 98506
(solmsted at yahoo)
2009-Current: 5th grade math and science teacher at Pioneer Elementary School in Olympia, Washington.
2006-2009: 5th grade teacher at L.P. Brown in Olympia.
Fall 2005: student taught in the 4th grade at Morning Star Elementary School in Bozeman, Montana.
Links place content further down the page.Blog Entries
Graduate Work
Field trip to the Tinsley House at the Museum of the Rockies
Art in the Classroom
Mural Making
Murals are an important form of art expression. The construction of murals is a very old and powerful medium of communication through art. Murals enhance learning about the social-political world. The study of murals can help students make connections between art and society, and it encourages students to reflect on issues within the community. The size of murals can have numerous implications as expressed by the artist. When working with their class, students can design and construct murals as a group. In this manner, students have a practical opportunity to cooperate and share in the learning process. Finally, students can discuss from their experiences with mural making the issues of public versus private space as well as public versus private art.
Mural of New York City (3 feet by 6feet)
Celebrating Literature
Creating art to celebrate a finished book is a wonderful way to express thanks to the writer and share an impression of a newly enlarged world. The pictures we have made in our minds can be sealed like a time capsule in our artwork, holding our memories still and sharing them with our friends.