Educational Portfolio for Spencer Olmsted
Contact Information
Spencer Olmsted513 Central St NE
Olympia, WA 98506
(solmsted at yahoo)
2009-Current: 5th grade math and science teacher at Pioneer Elementary School in Olympia, Washington.
2006-2009: 5th grade teacher at L.P. Brown in Olympia.
Fall 2005: student taught in the 4th grade at Morning Star Elementary School in Bozeman, Montana.
Links place content further down the page.Blog Entries
Graduate Work

Field trip to the Tinsley House at the Museum of the Rockies
The Home-School Connection
Parents play a vital role in the education of their children. The direction and guidance of parents helps students overcome potential struggle. While school is in session, parents may need to help their children work through the curriculum; but regardless of the time of year, parents can provide learning opportunities for children. When teachers and parents are working together the effect is dramatically more powerful than if teachers are working alone.
As a teacher, it is my responsibility to keep parents informed about how their child is doing, but both teachers and parents share the responsibility for educating children. The teacher is generally in a child's life for only nine months; a parent will always be there. This simple fact illustrates the importance of parental ownership, structure, and consistency when it comes to their child's education.
Specific measures can be put in place to ensure an active parent-teacher relationship. The first step teachers can take is to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere that invites parents to become involved in the classroom and realize the value of their help. There must also be measures in place to communicate to parents who are unable to take part in the classroom.
Early adolescent students can begin to keep homework planners. This form of ownership helps develop a high level of organization that will serve them as they transition to middle and high school. Parents will know what homework is due the next day and what to expect for the coming week. Another simple but useful tool that compliments the agenda is a basic teacher website. These tools work together to provide accountability and help ensure successful work at home.
Post assessment feedback is a very valuable resource for both students and parents. Students should be asked to assess their own work (and that of their peers) and identify its strengths and weaknesses based on known learning targets. Examining careless errors, and simple misunderstandings help students with test taking skills. A thoughtful review will also allow for goal setting and individualized learning plans. Parents may need or want to be involved in the progress monitoring of their child. Students should have a road map for their learning and an understanding of where they are on that map.
Each school has its own particular climate when it comes to parent involvement, but simple, effective communication devices like the ones listed above are effective in all schools. Good communication creates clarity and understanding; with these two elements we are prepared to help our students achieve.
Some years I have offered "family style" field trips as a way of connecting our classroom with our homes. After school, or on weekends, I arranged trips to walk at local wilderness areas, trails, and parks. What I have found is a greater appreciation of the diversity of my students, a closeness of my classroom community, and a shared interest in our local environment. Since starting a family of my own this level of interaction has not been possible, but I look forward to continuing this type of educational experience in the future.