Educational Portfolio for Spencer Olmsted
Contact Information
Spencer Olmsted513 Central St NE
Olympia, WA 98506
(solmsted at yahoo)
2009-Current: 5th grade math and science teacher at Pioneer Elementary School in Olympia, Washington.
2006-2009: 5th grade teacher at L.P. Brown in Olympia.
Fall 2005: student taught in the 4th grade at Morning Star Elementary School in Bozeman, Montana.
Links place content further down the page.Blog Entries
Graduate Work

Field trip to the Tinsley House at the Museum of the Rockies
Reading and Writing for Life

Reading and writing are two of the most important skills we teach in school. These are life-long skills, which support almost every endeavor we undertake.
Good readers use various techniques (consciously and unconsciously) to improve their comprehension. Good readers make connections outside of the text; they ask questions and visualize the story; they make inferences and determine importance; they summarize and repair any misunderstandings. Good readers are problem solvers and risk-takers, and good readers read at every opportunity. These characteristics all represent skills that can be taught, practiced and improved from early reading.
Good writers also practice teachable skills. Good writing is well organized and fluent; it follows writing conventions, has voice, and strong ideas. Good writing uses rich language and is well presented. Strong writing skills can be taught and practiced from the earliest writing assignments, but before we teach the craft of writing, we should instill a love of words. Teachers must be passionate about writing and the world of books.